Today, I went to a different pond for a switch. It is located near the top of a small mountain, and I had to walk for a while carrying my floating tube. I started before daylight, and kept casting a Heddon Magnum Tiger (GRA color) most of the time. Yes, the same as what I lost last time. I fished almost all the shore areas but got no responses at all. When the morning sun started to beam, I was at the last point but one. I despaired of ever catching a fish, but how lucky I was today, this nice bass (4lb) finally jumped at my lure. I carefully fought with it, not to make the same mistake, and managed to land it. I couldn't be happier about this fish. and I could take a load off my mind.
Today's tackle: ABU Ambassadeur 5000CDL (High Speed), Phillipson RL64LS, Stren 14lb (Clear/Blue Fluorescent), Heddon Magnum Tiger, Chugger Spook, Zara Spook, Wounded Spook, Pico Pop, etc.
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