Sunday, June 5, 2016

Fishing in the afternoon, again

I had to work yesterday, and couldn't go fishing.
Today we planned to be involved with cleanup activities around our community from early in the morning. However, it rained so hard, much harder than we expected, that the activities were canceled. The rain was too hard to go fishing, too, so I reluctantly stay indoors in the morning.

Then, the rain stopped at noon, so decided to go to check a small nearby pond after I finished lunch. It started to get shinny, and I tried to cast lures into shades. At first, I chose a Heddon Hedd Plug, as its buoyancy is a little smaller than that of Lucky 13, and retrieved it, mixing long pauses and short dives on the water surface. A good blow-up suddenly occurred and a small bass hit it.

After a while, I noticed some dragonflies fly low. I tied a Burke Bassassin, which I tuned to imitate a bug. I got some bites with it, but couldn't hook them up at all. Then, I changed lures to a built-in spring lure, Powerpak Shad, to imitate a bug fell on the water surface. Again, I got some smashing bites, and caught one of them. I know well that it is difficult to catch a big bass under high light intensity condition, and I felt happy just to be on the water on Sunday afternoon.  

Today's tackle: ABU 5000 CDL (86, high-speed), Mr Don 'Dog Fighter' MW59N w/ STTS grip, Daiwa Sight Surf #5, Heddon Hedd Plug, Burke Bassassin, Powerpak Shad, etc.

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