Friday, August 30, 2019

Late summer bass

I took a day off and went fishing to catch the first bass in this month. A big rainy front has been staying around here, and we have much rainfall this week. I prepared more light-colored lures than usual.

In the first pond I visited, I caught a couple of bass but all were small.

Then, I headed to another pond that I have never been to before. I had a difficulty to find a route to go there, but finally got there. Water quality was nice there, and almost half of the water surface was covered by aquatic plants. As soon as I re-started fishing, a nice blackish bass hit my Pop R.

I changed lures to a Heddon Zara Spook, and cast it to a different spot surrounded by floating weeds. Another nice one with a yellowish belly quietly took my Zara Spook into its mouth, and I set a hook hard. It was a hard fighter with a big tail, but I finally caught it.

I wanted to enjoy fishing more, but I had to stop fishing due to hard rain with occasional thunders. Better be safe than sorry.

Today's tackle: ABU Ambassadeur 5500C (BLK),Phillipson Pacemaker PC-56, Stren clear blue (12lb), Fred Arbogast Jitterbug, Heddon Chugger Spook, Lucky 13, Wounded Spook, Zara Spook, Rebel Pop R (P70), etc.